


Capital Quality Initiative (CQI) was founded by Ed Souders, Jane Muzi Lucas, and Joann Neuroth as a non-profit to advance quality management in Lansing, Michigan.

1991 - 1999

Partnered with Community college

In early 1991, CQI partnered with Lansing Community College (LCC).

In partnership with LCC, we introduced the beginning of a new program, the CQI Academy for Quality Management Fundamentals.

By 1996, CQI was fully integrated into LCC to leverage its resources and expand its impact.

Jane Lucas served as the first director and introduced the CQI Academy for Quality Management Fundamentals.

By 1999, CQI became part of LCC's Business and Community Institute (BCI).

2000 - 2005

Launched the "Outreach to Quality Committee" to recognize and share successes in quality management.

In 2002, CQI co-hosted the first Midwest Conference with the W. Edwards Deming Institute.

2006 - 2009

In 2006, CQI celebrated its 15th anniversary.

Over the next three years, CQI maintained its partnership with LCC.



In 2010 CQI was reincorporated as an independent nonprofit.

Renamed Capital Quality and Innovation (CQI), the CQI Academy for Quality Management was enhanced and relaunched.


In 2016, CQI celebrated its 25-year anniversary with The W. Edwards Deming Institute Fall Conference in Lansing.

Renamed Capital Quality and Innovation (CQI), the CQI Academy for Quality Management was enhanced and relaunched.


new name & new look

Renamed the Institute for Quality and Innovation (IQI) and committed to the purpose of "developing the next generation of transformational leaders.